The sun is disappearing earlier and earlier. This is the time of year that I start thinking about putting up the Christmas tree just for the warm glow of the lights. My family insists that I wait.
“At least wait until after Halloween!” was their protest/request this year.
Sunset is also the time of the day that I start to crave a glass of wine and some chocolate. Do you relate?
I’m learning that my sunset craving for more light, wine and chocolate is related to a drop in Serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that, when low, can be the cause of depression.
I’m in the process of being (officially) certified to bring nutrition into the therapy room with Vonda Schaefer. I couldn’t be more excited about this. Part of my study includes the work of Julia Ross, MA, who is the director of the Recovery Systems Clinic in San Francisco and author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure.
Our bodies start converting serotonin to melatonin (preparing us to sleep) as the sun begins to go down. When our serotonin levels drop, our bodies crave a quick way to raise it. Sugar (like in wine and chocolate) give us a quick, yet temporary boost of serotonin.
I’m excited to learn that there are some easy ways we can boost our serotonin, feel more positive, and not turn into a slave to these kinds of cravings. Here are some recommendations:
Light Therapy
Get some sunlight and be out in nature each day. If that’s not available to you, Julia Ross says a 300 watt bulb (full spectrum) within three feet for 20 minutes three times a day can help.
Engage in moderate exercise for 30 minutes, at least 4 times a week. I know this can be challenging, but I found that 15 to 20 minutes of dancing to my 3 favorites songs or fast walking has proven to reduce my cravings and immediately improve my mood.
Eat Well
Eat real, whole food. Eat regularly and wisely. This means avoiding or seriously limiting white flour, sugar and caffeine. I never liked hearing this one but it’s true. You’ll feel better. Eating lean protein, healthy fats and lots of vegetables can also help you have nice levels of serotonin which helps you feel positive, confidant and easy going.
Vitamins and Supplements
Take a good multi-vitamin/mineral and make sure you are getting enough Omega-3 fatty acid. Supplements that naturally convert to serotonin such as 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan taken in the morning and/or in the early afternoon build up serotonin levels before the sunset dip begins.
Consult your medical provider before taking any amino acids (like 5-HTP or L-Tryptophan) if you have any kind of physical illness, including high or low blood pressure, asthma, lupus, migraine, liver impairment, kidney damage, inborn error of amino acid metabolism, over active thyroid, ulcers, or are taking methadone. Consult your medical provider if you are pregnant, nursing, or take any medications, especially mood-altering medications such as antidepressants or MAO inhibitor, SSRI, have severe mental or emotional problems such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.